full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Kai-Fu Lee: How AI can save our humanity

Unscramble the Blue Letters

This graph is sreluy not perfect, but it points at four ways that we can work with AI. AI will come and take away the routine jobs and in due time, we will be thankful. AI will become great tools for the cvteiraes so that scientists, aitstrs, musicians and writers can be even more creative. AI will work with humans as ayinlctaal tloos that humans can wrap their warmth around for the high-compassion jobs. And we can always differentiate ourselves with the uniquely capable jobs that are both compassionate and creative, using and leveraging our irreplaceable bnairs and hearts. So there you have it: a blueprint of cosetixnece for humans and AI.

Open Cloze

This graph is ______ not perfect, but it points at four ways that we can work with AI. AI will come and take away the routine jobs and in due time, we will be thankful. AI will become great tools for the _________ so that scientists, _______, musicians and writers can be even more creative. AI will work with humans as __________ _____ that humans can wrap their warmth around for the high-compassion jobs. And we can always differentiate ourselves with the uniquely capable jobs that are both compassionate and creative, using and leveraging our irreplaceable ______ and hearts. So there you have it: a blueprint of ___________ for humans and AI.


  1. coexistence
  2. artists
  3. surely
  4. tools
  5. analytical
  6. creatives
  7. brains

Original Text

This graph is surely not perfect, but it points at four ways that we can work with AI. AI will come and take away the routine jobs and in due time, we will be thankful. AI will become great tools for the creatives so that scientists, artists, musicians and writers can be even more creative. AI will work with humans as analytical tools that humans can wrap their warmth around for the high-compassion jobs. And we can always differentiate ourselves with the uniquely capable jobs that are both compassionate and creative, using and leveraging our irreplaceable brains and hearts. So there you have it: a blueprint of coexistence for humans and AI.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
deep learning 5
work ethic 3
huge amount 2
learning network 2
hot dog 2
artificial intelligence 2
industrial age 2
creative jobs 2
routine jobs 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
deep learning network 2

Important Words

  1. ai
  2. analytical
  3. artists
  4. blueprint
  5. brains
  6. capable
  7. coexistence
  8. compassionate
  9. creative
  10. creatives
  11. differentiate
  12. due
  13. graph
  14. great
  15. hearts
  16. humans
  17. irreplaceable
  18. jobs
  19. leveraging
  20. musicians
  21. perfect
  22. points
  23. routine
  24. scientists
  25. surely
  26. thankful
  27. time
  28. tools
  29. uniquely
  30. warmth
  31. ways
  32. work
  33. wrap
  34. writers